Daily Residuals

Residuals for maximum temperature, minimum temperature and solar radiation are required for calculation of daily values. The residuals must be serially correlated and cross-correlated with the correlations being constant at all locations. The equation used to calculate residuals is:

χi(j)=Aχi1(j)+Bεi(j)\chi_i(j)=A{\chi_{i-1}}(j)+B{\varepsilon_i}(j) 1:3.4.1

where χi(j)\chi_i(j) is a 3 × 1 matrix for day ii whose elements are residuals of maximum temperature (j=1j=1), minimum temperature (j=2j=2) and solar radiation (j=3j=3), χi1(j)\chi_{i-1}(j)) is a 3 × 1 matrix of the previous day’s residuals, εi\varepsilon_i is a 3 × 1 matrix of independent random components, and AA and BB are 3 × 3 matrices whose elements are defined such that the new sequences have the desired serial-correlation and cross-correlation coefficients. The AA and BB matrices are given by

A=M1M01A=M_1*M_0^{-1} 1:3.4.2

BBT=M0M1M01M1TB*B^T=M_0-M_1*M_0^{-1}*M_1^T 1:3.4.3

where the superscript 1-1 denotes the inverse of the matrix and the superscript T denotes the transpose of the matrix. M0M_0 and M1M_1 are defined as

M0=[1ρ0(1,2)ρ0(1,3)ρ0(1,2)1ρ0(2,3)ρ0(1,3)ρ0(2,3)1]M_0=\left[\begin{array}{ccc} 1 & \rho_0(1,2) & \rho_0(1,3) \\ \rho_0(1,2) & 1 & \rho_0(2,3) \\ \rho_0(1,3) & \rho_0(2,3) & 1 \end {array} \right ] 1:3.4.4

M1=[ρ1(1,1)ρ1(1,2)ρ0(1,3)ρ1(2,1)ρ1(2,2)ρ1(2,3)ρ1(3,1)ρ1(3,2)ρ1(3,3)]M_1=\left[\begin{array}{ccc} \rho_1(1,1) & \rho_1(1,2) & \rho_0(1,3) \\ \rho_1(2,1) & \rho_1(2,2) & \rho_1(2,3) \\ \rho_1(3,1) & \rho_1(3,2) & \rho_1(3,3) \end {array} \right ] 1:3.4.5

ρ0(j,k)\rho_0(j,k) is the correlation coefficient between variables jj and kk on the same day where jj and kk may be set to 1 (maximum temperature), 2 (minimum temperature) or 3 (solar radiation) and ρ1(j,k)\rho_1(j,k) is the correlation coefficient between variable jj and kk with variable kk lagged one day with respect to variable jj. Correlation coefficients were determined for 31 locations in the United States using 20 years of temperature and solar radiation data (Richardson, 1982). Using the average values of these coefficients, the M0M_0 and M1M_1 matrices become

M0=[1.0000.6330.1860.6331.0000.1930.1860.1931.000]M_0=\left[\begin{array}{ccc} 1.000 & 0.633 & 0.186 \\ 0.633 & 1.000 & -0.193 \\ 0.186 & -0.193 & 1.000 \end {array} \right ] 1:3.4.6

M1=[0.6210.4450.0870.5630.6740.1000.0150.0910.251]M_1=\left[\begin{array}{ccc} 0.621 & 0.445 & 0.087 \\ 0.563 & 0.674 & -0.100 \\ 0.015 & -0.091 & 0.251 \end {array} \right ] 1:3.4.7

Using equations 1:3.4.2 and 1:3.4.3, the A and B matrices become

A=[0.5670.0860.0020.2530.5040.0500.0060.0390.244]A=\left[\begin{array}{ccc} 0.567 & 0.086 & -0.002 \\ 0.253 & 0.504 & -0.050 \\ -0.006 & -0.039 & 0.244 \end {array} \right ] 1:3.4.8

B=[0.781000.3280.63700.2380.3410.873]B=\left[\begin{array}{ccc} 0.781 & 0 & 0 \\ 0.328 & 0.637 & 0 \\ 0.238 & -0.341 & 0.873 \end {array} \right ] 1:3.4.9

The A and B matrices defined in equations 1:3.4.8 and 1:3.4.9 are used in conjunction with equation 1:3.4.1 to generate daily sequences of residuals of maximum temperature, minimum temperature and solar radiation.

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#1315: katie.mendoza's Oct 3 ET chapter

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