
Pesticide is removed from the water body in outflow. The amount of dissolved and particulate pesticide removed from the water body in outflow is:

pstsol,o=QFdpstlkwtrVpst_{sol,o}=Q*\frac{F_d*pst_{lkwtr}}{V} 8:4.1.14

pstsorb,o=QFppstlkwtrVpst_{sorb,o}=Q*\frac{F_p*pst_{lkwtr}}{V} 8:4.1.15

where pstsol,opst_{sol,o} is the amount of dissolved pesticide removed via outflow (mg pst), pstsorb,opst_{sorb,o} is the amount of particulate pesticide removed via outflow (mg pst), QQ is the rate of outflow from the water body (m3^3 H2_2O/day), FdF_d is the fraction of total pesticide in the dissolved phase, FpF_p is the fraction of total pesticide in the particulate phase, pstlkwtrpst_{lkwtr} is the amount of pesticide in the water (mg pst), and VV is the volume of water in the water body (m3^3 H2_2 O).

Table 8:4-1: SWAT+ input variables that pesticide partitioning.

Variable Name
Input File


KdK_d : Pesticide partition coefficient (m3^3 /g)



kp,aqk_{p,aq} : Rate constant for degradation or removal of pesticide in the water (1/day)



vvv_v : Volatilization mass-transfer coefficient (m/day)



vsv_s : Pesticide settling velocity (m/day)


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#1315: katie.mendoza's Oct 3 ET chapter

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