Mass Balance

The processes described above can be combined into mass balance equations for the well-mixed water body and the well-mixed sediment layer:

Δpstlkwtr=pstin(pstsol,o+pstsorb,o)pstdeg,wtrpstvol,wtrpststl,wtr+pstrsp,wtr±pstdif\Delta pst_{lkwtr}=pst_{in}- (pst_{sol,o}+ p st_{sorb,o})-pst_{deg,wtr} -pst_{vol,wtr}- pst_{stl,wtr}+pst_{rsp,wt r}\pm pst_{dif}


Δpstlksed=pstdeg,sed+pststl,wtrpstrsp,wtrpstbur±pstdif\Delta pst_{lksed}=pst_{deg,sed}+pst_{stl,wtr}-pst_{rsp,wtr }-pst_{bur}\pm pst_{dif} 8:4.3.2

where Δpstlkwtr\Delta pst_{lkwtr} is the change in pesticide mass in the water layer (mg pst), Δpstlksed\Delta pst_{lksed} is the change in pesticide mass in the sediment layer (mg pst), pstinpst_{in} is the pesticide added to the water body via inflow (mg pst), pstsol,opst_{sol,o} is the amount of dissolved pesticide removed via outflow (mg pst), pstsorb,op st_{sorb,o} is the amount of particulate pesticide removed via outflow (mg pst), pstdeg,wtrpst_{deg,wtr} is the amount of pesticide removed from the water via degradation (mg pst), pstvol,wtrpst_{vol,wtr} is the amount of pesticide removed via volatilization (mg pst), pststl,wtrpst_{stl,wtr} is the amount of pesticide removed from the water due to settling (mg pst), pstrsp,wtrpst_{rsp,wt r} is the amount of pesticide removed via resuspension (mg pst), pstdifpst_{dif} is the amount of pesticide transferred between the water and sediment by diffusion (mg pst), pstdeg,sedpst_{deg,sed} is the amount of pesticide removed from the sediment via degradation (mg pst), pstburpst_{bur} is the amount of pesticide removed via burial (mg pst)

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#1315: katie.mendoza's Oct 3 ET chapter

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