Impact of Climate on Radiation-Use Efficiency

Radiation-use efficiency is sensitive to variations in atmospheric CO2CO_2 concentrations and equations have been incorporated into SWAT+ to modify the default radiation-use efficiency values in the plant database for climate change studies. The relationship used to adjust the radiation-use efficiency for effects of elevated CO2CO_2 is (Stockle et al., 1992):

RUE=100CO2CO2+exp(r1r2CO2)RUE=\frac{100*CO_2}{CO_2+exp(r_1-r_2*CO_2)} 5:2.1.4

where RUERUE is the radiation-use efficiency of the plant (kg/ha⋅(MJ/m2^2)1^{-1} or 101^{-1} g/MJ), CO2CO_2 is the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (ppmv), and r1r_1 and r2r_2 are shape coefficients.

The shape coefficients are calculated by solving equation 5:2.1.4 using two known points (RUEambRUE_{amb}, CO2ambCO_{2amb}) and (RUEhiRUE_{hi}, CO2hiCO_{2hi}):

r1=1n[CO2amb(0.01RUEamb)CO2amb]+r2CO2ambr1=1n[\frac{CO_{2amb}}{(0.01*RUE_{amb})}-CO_{2amb}]+r_2*CO_{2amb} 5:2.1.5

r2=(1n[CO2amb(0.01RUEamb)CO2amb]1n[CO2hi(0.01RUEhi)CO2hi])CO2hiCO2ambr_2=\frac{(1n[\frac{CO_{2amb}}{(0.01*RUE_{amb})}-CO_{2amb}]-1n[\frac{CO_{2hi}}{(0.01*RUE_{hi})}-CO_{2hi}])}{CO_{2hi}-CO_{2amb}} 5:2.1.6

where r1r1 is the first shape coefficient, r2r2 is the second shape coefficient, CO2ambCO_{2amb} is the ambient atmospheric CO2CO_2 concentration (ppmv), RUEambRUE_{amb} is the radiation-use efficiency of the plant at ambient atmospheric CO2CO_2 concentration (kg/ha⋅(MJ/m2^2)1^{-1} or 101^{-1} g/MJ), CO2hiCO_{2hi} is an elevated atmospheric CO2CO_2 concentration (ppmv), RUEhiRUE_{hi} is the radiation-use efficiency of the plant at the elevated atmospheric CO2CO_2 concentration, CO2hiCO_{2hi}, (kg/ha⋅(MJ/m2^2)1^{-1} or 101^{-1} g/MJ). Equation 5:2.1.4 was developed when the ambient atmospheric CO2CO_2 concentration was 330 ppmv and is valid for carbon dioxide concentrations in the range 330-660 ppmv. Even though the ambient atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide is now higher than 330 ppmv, this value is still used in the calculation. If the CO2CO_2 concentration used in the simulation is less than 330 ppmv, the model defines RUE = RUEambRUE_{amb}.

Stockle and Kiniry (1990) have shown that a plant’s radiation-use efficiency is affected by vapor pressure deficit. For a plant, a threshold vapor pressure deficit is defined at which the plant’s radiation-use efficiency begins to drop in response to the vapor pressure deficit. The adjusted radiation-use efficiency is calculated:

RUE=RUEvpd=1Δruedcl(vpdvpdthr)RUE=RUE_{vpd=1}-\Delta rue_{dcl}*(vpd-vpd_{thr}) if vpd>vpdthrvpd>vpd_{thr} 5:2.1.7

RUE=RUEvpd=1RUE=RUE_{vpd=1} if vpdvpdthrvpd \le vpd_{thr} 5:2.1.8

where RUERUE is the radiation-use efficiency adjusted for vapor pressure deficit (kg/ha⋅(MJ/m2^2)1^{-1} or 101^{-1} g/MJ), RUEvpd=1RUE_{vpd=1} is the radiation-use efficiency for the plant at a vapor pressure deficit of 1 kPa (kg/ha⋅(MJ/m2^2)1^{-1} or 101^{-1} g/MJ), Δruedcl\Delta rue_{dcl} is the rate of decline in radiation-use efficiency per unit increase in vapor pressure deficit (kg/ha⋅(MJ/m2^2)1^{-1}⋅kPa1^{-1} or (101^{-1} g/MJ)⋅kPa1^{-1}), vpdvpd is the vapor pressure deficit (kPa), and vpdthrvpd_{thr} is the threshold vapor pressure deficit above which a plant will exhibit reduced radiation-use efficiency (kPa). The radiation-use efficiency value reported for the plant in the plant growth database, RUEambRUE_{amb}, or adjusted for elevated carbon dioxide levels (equation 5:2.1.4) is the value used for RUEvpd=1RUE_{vpd=1}. The threshold vapor pressure deficit for reduced radiation-use efficiency is assumed to be 1.0 kPa for all plants (vpdthr=1.0vpd_{thr}=1.0).

The radiation-use efficiency is never allowed to fall below 27% of RUEambRUE_{amb}. This minimum value was based on field observations (Kiniry, personal communication, 2001).

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#1315: katie.mendoza's Oct 3 ET chapter

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