
The amount of nitrite (NO2NO_2^-) in the stream will be increased by the conversion of NH4+NH_4^+ to NO2NO_2^- and decreased by the conversion of NO2NO_2^- to NO3NO_3^-. The conversion of NO2NO_2^- to NO3NO_3^- occurs more rapidly than the conversion of NH4+NH_4^+ to NO2NO_2^-, so the amount of nitrite present in the stream is usually very small. The change in nitrite for a given day is:

ΔNO2str=(βN,1NH4strβN,2NO2str)TT\Delta NO2_{str}=(\beta_{N,1}*NH4_{str}-\beta_{N,2}*NO2_{str})*TT 7:3.2.8

where ΔNO2str\Delta NO2_{str} is the change in nitrite concentration (mg N/L), βN,1\beta_{N,1} is the rate constant for biological oxidation of ammonia nitrogen (day1^{-1} or hr1^{-1}), NH4strNH4_{str} is the ammonium concentration at the beginning of the day (mg N/L), βN,2\beta_{N,2} is the rate constant for biological oxidation of nitrite to nitrate (day1^{-1} or hr1^{-1}), NO2strNO2_{str} is the nitrite concentration at the beginning of the day (mg N/L), and TTTT is the flow travel time in the reach segment (day or hr). The local rate constant for biological oxidation of ammonia nitrogen is calculated with equation 7:3.2.5. The calculation of travel time is reviewed in Chapter 7:1.

The rate constant for biological oxidation of nitrite to nitrate will vary as a function of in-stream oxygen concentration and temperature. The rate constant is calculated:

βN,2=βN,2,20(1exp[0.6Oxstr])1.047(Twater20)\beta_{N,2}=\beta_{N,2,20}*(1-exp[-0.6*Ox_{str}])*1.047^{(T_{water}-20)} 7:3.2.9

where βN,2\beta_{N,2} is the rate constant for biological oxidation of nitrite to nitrate (day1^{-1} or hr1^{-1}), βN,2,20\beta_{N,2,20} is the rate constant for biological oxidation of nitrite to nitrate at 20°\degreeC (day1^{-1} or hr1^{-1}),OxstrOx_{str} is the dissolved oxygen concentration in the stream (mg O2_2/L), and TwaterT_{water} is the average water temperature for the day or hour (°\degreeC). The second term on the right side of equation 7:3.2.9, (1exp[0.6Oxstr])(1-exp[-0.6*Ox_{str}]), is a nitrification inhibition correction factor. This factor inhibits nitrification at low dissolved oxygen concentrations.

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#1315: katie.mendoza's Oct 3 ET chapter

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