
The volume of water lost to evaporation on a given day is calculated:

Vevap=5(1LAILAIevap)EoSAV_{evap}=5*(1-\frac{LAI}{LAI_{evap}})*E_o*SA if LAI<LAIevapLAI<LAI_{evap} 8:1.3.5

Vevap=0V_{evap}=0 if LAILAIevapLAI \ge LAI_{evap} 8:1.3.6

where VevapV_{evap} is the volume of water removed from the water body by evaporation during the day (m3^3 H2_2O), LAILAI is the leaf area index of the plants growing in the pothole, LAIevapLAI_{evap} is the leaf area index at which no evaporation occurs from the water surface, EoE_o is the potential evapotranspiration for a given day (mm H2_2O), and SASA is the surface area of the water body (ha).

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#1315: katie.mendoza's Oct 3 ET chapter

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