
Once the maximum amount of sublimation/soil evaporation for the day is calculated, SWAT+ will first remove water from the snow pack to meet the evaporative demand. If the water content of the snow pack is greater than the maximum sublimation/soil evaporation demand, then

Esub=EsE_{sub}=E'_s 2:2.3.10

SNO(f)=SNO(i)EsSNO_{(f)}=SNO_{(i)}-E'_s 2:2.3.11

Es=0.E''_s=0. 2:2.3.12

where EsubE_{sub} is the amount of sublimation on a given day (mm H2_2O),EsE'_s is the maximum sublimation/soil evaporation adjusted for plant water use on a given day (mm H2_2O), SNO(i)SNO_{(i)} is the amount of water in the snow pack on a given day prior to accounting for sublimation (mm H2_2O), SNO(f)SNO_{(f)} is the amount of water in the snow pack on a given day after accounting for sublimation (mm H2_2O), and EsE''_sis the maximum soil water evaporation on a given day (mm H2_2O). If the water content of the snow pack is less than the maximum sublimation/soil evaporation demand, then

Esub=SNO(i)E_{sub}=SNO_{(i)} 2:2.3.13

SNO(f)=0.SNO_{(f)}=0. 2:2.3.14

Es=EsEsubE''_s=E'_s-E_{sub} 2:2.3.15

Last updated

#1315: katie.mendoza's Oct 3 ET chapter

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