Carbonaceous Biological Oxygen Demand

Carbonaceous biological oxygen demand (CBOD) defines the amount of oxygen required to decompose the organic matter transported in surface runoff. The SWAT+ loading function for CBOD is based on a relationship given by Thomann and Mueller (1987):

cbodsurq=2.7orgCsurqQsurfareahrucbod_{surq}=\frac{2.7*orgC_{surq}}{Q_{surf}*area_{hru}} 4:5.2.1

where cbodsurqcbod_{surq} is the CBOD concentration in surface runoff (mg CBOD/L), orgCsurqorgC_{surq} is the organic carbon in surface runoff (kg orgCorgC), QsurfQ_{surf} is the surface runoff on a given day (mm H2_2O), and areahruarea_{hru} is the area of the HRU (km2^2).

The amount of organic carbon in surface runoff is calculated:

orgCsurq=1000orgCsurf100sedεC:sedorgC_{surq}=1000*\frac{orgC_{surf}}{100}*sed*\varepsilon_{C:sed} 4:5.2.2

where orgCsurqorgC_{surq} is the organic carbon in surface runoff (kg orgCorgC), orgCsurforgC_{surf} is the percent organic carbon in the top 10 mm of soil (%), sedsed is the sediment loading from the HRU (metric tons), and εC:sed\varepsilon_{C:sed} is the carbon enrichment ratio.

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#1315: katie.mendoza's Oct 3 ET chapter

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