Reaeration By Fickian Diffusion

The user defines the reaeration rate at 20°\degreeC. The reaeration rate is adjusted to the local water temperature using the relationship:

κ2=κ2,201.024(Twater20)\kappa_2=\kappa_{2,20}*1.024^{(T_{water}-20)} 7:3.5.4

where κ2\kappa_2 is the reaeration rate (day1^{-1} or hr1^{-1}), κ2,20\kappa_{2,20} is the reaeration rate at 20°\degreeC (day1^{-1} or hr1^{-1}), and TwaterT_{water} is the average water temperature for the day or hour (°\degreeC).

Numerous methods have been developed to calculate the reaeration rate at 20°\degreeC, κ2,20\kappa_{2,20}. A few of the methods are listed below. Brown and Barnwell (1987) provide additional methods.

Using field measurements, Churchill, Elmore and Buckingham (1962) derived the relationship:

κ2,20=5.03vc0.969depth1.673\kappa_{2,20}=5.03*v_c^{0.969}*depth^{-1.673} 7:3.5.5

where κ2,20\kappa_{2,20} is the reaeration rate at 20°\degreeC (day1^{-1}), vcv_c is the average stream velocity (m/s), and depthdepth is the average stream depth (m).

O’Connor and Dobbins (1958) incorporated stream turbulence characteristics into the equations they developed. For streams with low velocities and isotropic conditions,

κ2,20=294(Dmvc)0.5depth1.5\kappa_{2,20} =294 * \frac{(D_m* v_c)^{0.5}}{depth^{1.5}} 7:3.5.6

where κ2,20\kappa_{2,20} is the reaeration rate at 20°\degreeC (day1^{-1}), DmD_m is the molecular diffusion coefficient (m2^2/day), vcv_c is the average stream velocity (m/s), and depthdepth is the average stream depth (m). For streams with high velocities and nonisotropic conditions,

κ2,20=2703Dm0.5slp0.25depth1.25\kappa_{2,20}=2703*\frac{D_m^{0.5}*slp^{0.25}}{depth^{1.25}} 7:3.5.7

where κ2,20\kappa_{2,20} is the reaeration rate at 20°\degreeC (day1^{-1}), DmD_m is the molecular diffusion coefficient (m2^2/day), slpslp is the slope of the streambed (m/m), and depthdepth is the average stream depth (m). The molecular diffusion coefficient is calculated

Dm=1771.037Twater20D_m=177*1.037^{\overline T_{water}-20} 7:3.5.8

where DmD_m is the molecular diffusion coefficient (m2^2/day), and Twater\overline T_{water} is the average water temperature (°\degreeC).

Owens et al. (1964) developed an equation to determine the reaeration rate for shallow, fast moving streams where the stream depth is 0.1 to 3.4 m and the velocity is 0.03 to 1.5 m/s.

κ2,20=5.34vc0.67depth1.85\kappa_{2,20}=5.34*\frac{v_c^{0.67}}{depth^{1.85}} 7:3.5.9

where κ2,20\kappa_{2,20} is the reaeration rate at 20°\degreeC (day1^{-1}), vcv_c is the average stream velocity (m/s), and depthdepth is the average stream depth (m).

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#1315: katie.mendoza's Oct 3 ET chapter

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