Channel Flow Time of Concentration

The channel flow time of concentration, tcht_{ch}, can be computed using the equation

tch=Lc3.6vct_{ch}=\frac{L_c}{3.6*v_c} 2:1.3.7

where LcL_c is the average flow channel length for the subbasin (km), vcv_c is the average channel velocity (m s1^{-1}), and 3.6 is a unit conversion factor.

The average channel flow length can be estimated using the equation

Lc=LLcenL_c=\sqrt{L*L_{cen}} 2:1.3.8

where LL is the channel length from the most distant point to the subbasin outlet (km), and LcenL_{cen} is the distance along the channel to the subbasin centroid (km). Assuming Lcen=0.5LL_{cen}=0.5*L, the average channel flow length is

Lc=0.71LL_c=0.71*L 2:1.3.9

The average velocity can be estimated from Manning’s equation assuming a trapezoidal channel with 2:1 side slopes and a 10:1 bottom width-depth ratio.

vc=0.489qch0.25slpch0.375n0.75v_c=\frac{0.489*q_{ch}^{0.25}*slp_{ch}^{0.375}}{n^{0.75}} 2:1.3.10

where vcv_c is the average channel velocity (m s1^{-1}), qchq_{ch} is the average channel flow rate (m3s1m^3 s^{-1}), slpchslp_{ch} is the channel slope (m m1^{-1}), and nn is Manning’s roughness coefficient for the channel. To express the average channel flow rate in units of mm/hr, the following expression is used

qch=qchArea3.6q_{ch}=\frac{q_{ch}^* *Area}{3.6}

where qch^{q^*_{ch}}is the average channel flow rate (mm hr1^{-1}), AreaArea is the subbasin area (km2^2), and 3.6 is a unit conversion factor. The average channel flow rate is related to the unit source area flow rate (unit source area = 1 ha)

qch=q0(100Area)0.5q^*_{ch}=q^*_0*(100*Area)^{-0.5} 2:1.3.12

where q0q_0^* is the unit source area flow rate (mm hr1^{-1}), AreaArea is the subbasin area (km2^2), and 100 is a unit conversion factor. Assuming the unit source area flow rate is 6.35 mm/hr and substituting equations 2:1.3.11 and 2:1.3.12 into 2:1.3.10 gives

vc=0.317Area0.125slpch0.375n0.75v_c=\frac{0.317*Area^{0.125}*slp_{ch}^{0.375}}{n^{0.75}} 2:1.3.13

Substituting equations 2:1.3.9 and 2:1.3.13 into 2:1.3.7 gives

tch=0.62Ln0.75Area0.125slpch0.375t_{ch}=\frac{0.62*L*n^{0.75}}{Area^{0.125}*slp_{ch}^{0.375}} 2:1.3.14

where tcht_{ch} is the time of concentration for channel flow (hr), LL is the channel length from the most distant point to the subbasin outlet (km), n is Manning’s roughness coefficient for the channel, Area is the subbasin area (km2^2), and slpchslp_{ch} is the channel slope (m m1^{-1}).

Although some of the assumptions used in developing equations 2:1.3.6 and 2:1.3.14 may appear liberal, the time of concentration values obtained generally give satisfactory results for homogeneous subbasins. Since equations 2:1.3.6 and 2:1.3.14 are based on hydraulic considerations, they are more reliable than purely empirical equations.

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#1315: katie.mendoza's Oct 3 ET chapter

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