Water Stress

Water stress is 0.0 under optimal water conditions and approaches 1.0 as the soil water conditions vary from the optimal. Water stress is simulated by comparing actual and potential plant transpiration:

wstrs=1Et,actEt=1wactualupEtwstrs=1-\frac{E_{t,act}}{E_t}=1-\frac{w_{actualup}}{E_t} 5:3.1.1

where wstrswstrs is the water stress for a given day, EtE_t is the maximum plant transpiration on a given day (mm H2_2O), Et,actE_{t,act} is the actual amount of transpiration on a given day (mm H2_2O) and wactualupw_{actualup} is the total plant water uptake for the day (mm H2_2O). The calculation of maximum transpiration is reviewed in Chapter 2:2 and the determination of actual plant water uptake/transpiration is reviewed in Chapter 5:2.

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#1315: katie.mendoza's Oct 3 ET chapter

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