Pesticide in the sediment layer may be lost by burial. The amount of pesticide that is removed from the sediment via burial is:
where is the amount of pesticide removed via burial (mg pst), is the burial velocity (m/day), is the depth of the active sediment layer (m), and is the amount of pesticide in the sediment (mg pst).
Table 7:4-2: SWAT+ input variables related to pesticide in the sediment.
Variable Name | Definition | Input File |
CHPST_KOC | : Pesticide partition coefficient (m/g) | .swq |
SEDPST_REA | : Rate constant for degradation or removal of pesticide in the sediment (1/day) | .swq |
CHPST_RSP | : Resuspension velocity (m/day) | .swq |
SEDPST_ACT | : Depth of the active sediment layer (m) | .swq |
CHPST_MIX | : Rate of diffusion or mixing velocity (m/day) | .swq |
SEDPST_BRY | : Pesticide burial velocity (m/day) | .swq |
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