Bacteria Sediment

In sediment channel routing, the maximum concentration of sediment that can be transported by the water, concsed,ch,mxconc_{sed,ch,mx}, (ton/m3^3 or kg/L) is compared to the concentration of sediment in the reach at the beginning of the time step, concsed,ch,iconc_{sed,ch,i} (Neitsch et al., 2005).

If concsed,ch,iconc_{sed,ch,i} < concsed,ch,mxconc_{sed,ch,mx}, resuspension is the dominant process in the reach segment and the net amount of sediment reentrained is calculated:

seddeg=(concsed,ch,mxconcsed,ch,i)VchKchCchsed_{deg}=(conc_{sed,ch,mx}-conc_{sed,ch,i})*V_{ch}*K_{ch}*C_{ch} 7:5.2.1

where seddegsed_{deg} is the amount of sediment reentrained in the reach segment (metric tons), concsed,ch,mxconc_{sed,ch,mx} is the maximum concentration of sediment that can be transported by the water (ton sediment/m3^3 H2_2O or kg sediment/L H2_2O), concsed,ch,iconc_{sed,ch,i} is the initial sediment concentration in the reach (ton sediment/m3^3 H2_2O or kg sediment/L H2_2O), VchV_{ch} is the volume of water in the reach segment (m3^3 H2_2O), KchK_{ch} is the channel erodibility factor (cm/hr/Pa), and CchC_{ch} is the channel cover factor. When sediment resuspends, both bacteria in sediment solution and on sediment particles are released, and the net amount of bacteria released from streambed is calculated:

bactdeg=seddegconcbact,sedbact_{deg}=sed_{deg} *conc_{bact,sed} 7:5.2.2

where bactdegbact_{deg} is the amount of bacteria released from streambed in the reach segment (# cfu), seddegsed_{deg} is the amount of sediment reentrained in the reach segment (metric tons), and concbact,sedconc_{bact,sed} is the concentration of bacteria in streambed in the reach segment (# cfu/ton sediment). Bacteria concentration in streambed is calculated by the empirical regression equation, logarithmic sine function of the days of year:

log(concbact,sed)=bsc1sin(bsc2daybsc3366π)+bsc4log(conc_{bact,sed})=bsc_1*sin(bsc_2*\frac{day-bsc_3}{366}*\pi)+bsc_4 7:5.2.3

where concbact,sedconc_{bact,sed} is the concentration of bacteria in streambed (# cfu/ton sediment), day is the days of year, and bsc1bsc_1 through bsc4bsc_4 are the regression coefficients in streambed bacteria concentration equation.

If concsed,ch,iconc_{sed,ch,i} > concsed,ch,mxconc_{sed,ch,mx}, deposition is the dominant process in the reach segment and the net amount of sediment deposited is calculated:

seddep=(concsed,ch,iconcsed,ch,mx)Vchsed_{dep}=(conc_{sed,ch,i}-conc_{sed,ch,mx})*V_{ch} 7:5.2.4

where seddepsed_{dep} is the amount of sediment deposited in the reach segment (metric tons), concsed,ch,iconc_{sed,ch,i} is the initial sediment concentration in the reach (ton sediment/m3^3 H2_2O or kg sediment/L H2_2O), concsed,ch,mxconc_{sed,ch,mx} is the maximum concentration of sediment that can be transported by the water (ton sediment/m3^3 H2_2O or kg sediment/L H2_2O), and VchV_{ch}is the volume of water in the reach segment (m3^3 H2_2O). When suspended sediment deposits, bacteria on settling sediment particles are deposited, and the net amount of bacteria settled from stream water is calculated (Bai and Lung, 2005):

bactdep=bactch,iKpseddepVch+Kp(concsed,ch,iVch)bact_{dep}=bact_{ch,i}*\frac{K_p*sed_{dep}}{V_{ch}+K_p*(conc_{sed,ch,i}*V_{ch})} 7:5.2.5

where bactdepbact_{dep} is the amount of bacteria settled from stream water in the reach segment (# cfu), bactch,ibact_{ch,i} is the amount of bacteria in the stream water in the reach segment at the beginning of the time period (# cfu), KpK_p is the linear partitioning coefficient of bacteria between the suspended sediment and water (m3^3 H2_2O/ton sediment or L H2_2O/kg sediment), seddepsed_{dep} is the amount of sediment deposited in the reach segment (metric tons), VchV_{ch} is the volume of water in the reach segment (m3^3 H2_2O), and concsed,ch,iconc_{sed,ch,i} is the initial sediment concentration in the reach (ton sediment/m3^3 H2_2O or kg sediment/L H2_2O). The linear partitioning coefficient is calculated from the empirical regression equation (Pachepsky et al., 2006):

Kp=101.6clay1.98K_p=10^{-1.6}*clay^{1.98} 7:5.2.6

where KpK_p is the linear partitioning coefficient of bacteria onto the suspended sediment (m3^3 H2_2O/ton sediment or L H2_2O/kg sediment) and clayclay is the percentage of clay in suspended sediment in stream water in the reach segment (%). clay normally varies between 2 and 50%.

Once the amount of bacteria released and settled has been calculated, the final amount of sediment in the reach is determined:

bactch=bactch,i+bactdegbactdepbact_{ch}=bact_{ch,i}+bact_{deg}-bact_{dep} 7:5.2.7

where bactchbact_{ch} is the amount of bacteria in the stream water in the reach segment (# cfu), bactch,ibact_{ch,i} is the amount of bacteria in the stream water in the reach segment at the beginning of the time period (# cfu), bactdegbact_{deg} is the amount of bacteria released from streambed in the reach segment (# cfu), and bactdepbact_{dep} is the amount of bacteria settled from stream water in the reach segment (# cfu).

The final bacteria concentration in the reach is calculated:

concbact,ch=bactchVch104conc_{bact,ch}=\frac{bact_{ch}}{V_{ch}}*10^{-4} 7:5.2.8

where concbact,chconc_{bact,ch} is the concentration of bacteria in the stream water in the reach segment (# cfu/100 mL), bactchbact_{ch} is the amount of bacteria in the stream water in the reach segment (# cfu), and VchV_{ch} is the volume of water in the reach segment (m3^3 H2_2O).

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#1315: katie.mendoza's Oct 3 ET chapter

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