Movement of Soluble Pesticide

Pesticide in the soluble phase may be transported with surface runoff, lateral flow or percolation. The change in the amount of pesticide contained in a soil layer due to transport in solution with flow is a function of time, concentration and amount of flow:

dpsts,lydt=0.01Csolutionwmobile\frac{dpst_{s,ly}}{dt}=0.01*C_{solution}*w_{mobile} 4:3.2.1

where psts,lypst_{s,ly} is the amount of pesticide in the soil layer (kg pst/ha), CsolutionC_{solution} is the pesticide concentration in solution (mg/L or g/ton), and wmobilew_{mobile} is the amount of mobile water on a given day (mm H2_2O). The amount of mobile water in the layer is the amount of water lost by surface runoff, lateral flow or percolation:

wmobile=Qsurf+Qlat,surf+wperc,surfw_{mobile}=Q_{surf}+Q_{lat,surf}+w_{perc,surf} for top 10 mm 4:3.2.2

wmobile=Qlat,ly+wperc,lyw_{mobile}=Q_{lat,ly}+w_{perc,ly} for lower soil layers 4:3.2.3

where wmobilew_{mobile} is the amount of mobile water in the layer (mm H2_2O), QsurfQ_{surf} is the surface runoff generated on a given day (mm H2_2O), Qlat,lyQ_{lat,ly} is the water discharged from the layer by lateral flow (mm H2_2O), and wperc,lyw_{perc,ly} is the amount of water percolating to the underlying soil layer on a given day (mm H2_2O).

The total amount of pesticide in the soil layer is the sum of the adsorbed and dissolved phases:

psts,ly=0.01(CsolutionSATly+Csolidphaseρbdepthly)pst_{s,ly}=0.01*(C_{solution}*SAT_{ly}+C_{solidphase}*\rho_b*depth_{ly}) 4:3.2.4

where psts,lypst_{s,ly} is the amount of pesticide in the soil layer (kg pst/ha), CsolutionC_{solution} is the pesticide concentration in solution (mg/L or g/ton), SATlySAT_{ly} is the amount of water in the soil layer at saturation (mm H2_2O), CsolidphaseC_{solidphase} is the concentration of the pesticide sorbed to the solid phase (mg/kg or g/ton), ρb\rho_b is the bulk density of the soil layer (Mg/m3^3), and depthlydepth_{ly} is the depth of the soil layer (mm). Rearranging equation 4:3.1.1 to solve for CsolidphaseC_{solidphase} and substituting into equation 4:3.2.4 yields:

psts,ly=0.01(CsolutionSATly+CsolutionKpρbdepthly)pst_{s,ly}=0.01*(C_{solution}*SAT_{ly}+C_{solution}*K_p*\rho_b*depth_{ly}) 4:3.2.5

which rearranges to

Csolution=psts,ly0.01(SATly+Kpρbdepthly)C_{solution}=\frac{pst_{s,ly}}{0.01*(SAT_{ly}+K_p*\rho_b*depth_{ly})} 4:3.2.6

Combining equation 4:3.2.6 with equation 4:3.2.1 yields

dpsts,lydt=psts,lywmobile(SATly+Kpρbdepthly)\frac{dpst_{s,ly}}{dt}=\frac{pst_{s,ly}*w_{mobile}}{(SAT_{ly}+K_p*\rho_b*depth_{ly})} 4:3.2.7

Integration of equation 4:3.2.7 gives

psts,ly,t=psts,ly,oexp[wmobile(SATly+Kpρbdepthly)]pst_{s,ly,t}=pst_{s,ly,o}*exp[\frac{-w_{mobile}}{(SAT_{ly}+K_p*\rho_b*depth_{ly})}] 4:3.2.8

where psts,ly,tpst_{s,ly,t} is the amount of pesticide in the soil layer at time t (kg pstpstt/ha), psts,ly,opst_{s,ly,o} is the initial amount of pesticide in the soil layer (kg pstpst/ha), wmobilew_{mobile} is the amount of mobile water in the layer (mm H2_2O), SATlySAT_{ly} is the amount of water in the soil layer at saturation (mm H2_2O), KpK_p is the soil adsorption coefficient ((mg/kg)/(mg/L)), ρb\rho_b is the bulk density of the soil layer (Mg/m3^3), and depthlydepth_{ly} is the depth of the soil layer (mm).

To obtain the amount of pesticide removed in solution with the flow, the final amount of pesticide is subtracted from the initial amount of pesticide:

pstflow=psts,ly,o(1exp[wmobile(SATly+Kpρbdepthly)])pst_{flow}=pst_{s,ly,o}*(1-exp[\frac{-w_{mobile}}{(SAT_{ly}+K_p*\rho_b*depth_{ly})}]) 4:3.2.9

where pstflowpst_{flow} is the amount of pesticide removed in the flow (kg pst/ha) and all other terms were previously defined.

For the top 10 mm that interacts with surface runoff, the pesticide concentration in the mobile water is calculated:

concpst,flow=min[pstflow/[wperc,surf+βpst(Qsurf+Qlat,surf)]],pstsol/100.conc_{pst,flow}=min{[pst_{flow}/[w_{perc,surf}+\beta_{pst}(Q_{surf}+Q_{lat,surf})]], pst_{sol}/100}. 4:3.2.10

while for lower layers

concpst,flow=min[[pstflow/wmobile],pstsol/100.]conc_{pst,flow}=min[{[pst_{flow}/w_{mobile}],}pst_{sol}/100.] 4:3.2.11

where concpst,flowconc_{pst,flow} is the concentration of pesticide in the mobile water (kg pstpst/ha-mm H2_2O), pstflowpst_{flow} is the amount of pesticide removed in the flow (kg pstpst/ha), βpst\beta_{pst} is the pesticide percolation coefficient, QsurfQ_{surf} is the surface runoff generated on a given day (mm H2_2O), Qlat,lyQ_{lat,ly} is the water discharged from the layer by lateral flow (mm H2_2O), wperc,lyw_{perc,ly} is the amount of water percolating to the underlying soil layer on a given day (mm H2_2O), wmobilew_{mobile} is the amount of mobile water in the layer (mm H2_2O), and pstsolpst_{sol} is the solubility of the pesticide in water (mg/L).

Pesticide moved to the underlying layer by percolation is calculated:

pstperc,ly=concpst,flowwperc,lypst_{perc,ly}=conc_{pst,flow}*w_{perc,ly} 4:3.2.12

where pstperc,lypst_{perc,ly} is the pesticide moved to the underlying layer by percolation (kg pstpst/ha), concpst,flowconc_{pst,flow} is the concentration of pesticide in the mobile water for the layer (kg pstpst/mm H2_2O), and wperc,lyw_{perc,ly} is the amount of water percolating to the underlying soil layer on a given day (mm H2_2O).

Pesticide removed in lateral flow is calculated:

pstlat,surf=βpstconcpst,flowQlat,surfpst_{lat,surf}=\beta_{pst}*conc_{pst,flow}*Q_{lat,surf} for top 10 mm 4:3.2.13

pstlat,ly=concpst,flowQlat,lypst_{lat,ly}=conc_{pst,flow}*Q_{lat,ly} for lower layers 4:3.2.14

where pstlat,lypst_{lat,ly} is the pesticide removed in lateral flow from a layer (kg pstpst/ha), βpst\beta_{pst} is the pesticide percolation coefficient, concpst,flowconc_{pst,flow} is the concentration of pesticide in the mobile water for the layer (kg pstpst/mm H2_2O), and Qlat,lyQ_{lat,ly} is the water discharged from the layer by lateral flow (mm H2_2O). The pesticide percolation coefficient allows the user to set the concentration of pesticide in runoff and lateral flow from the top 10 mm to a fraction of the concentration in percolate.

Pesticide removed in surface runoff is calculated:

pstsurf=βpstconcpst,flowQsurfpst_{surf}=\beta_{pst}*conc_{pst,flow}*Q_{surf} 4:3.2.15

where pstsurfpst_{surf} is the pesticide removed in surface runoff (kg pstpst/ha), βpst\beta_{pst} is the pesticide percolation coefficient, concpst,flowconc_{pst,flow} is the concentration of pesticide in the mobile water for the top 10 mm of soil (kg pstpst/mm H2_2O), and QsurfQ_{surf} is the surface runoff generated on a given day (mm H2_2O).

Table 4:3-2: SWAT+ input variables that pertain to pesticide transport in solution.

Variable Name
Input File


ρb\rho_b: Soil bulk density (Mg m3^{-3})



pstsolpst_{sol}: Solubility of the pesticide in water (mg/L)



βpst\beta_{pst}: Pesticide percolation coefficient


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#1315: katie.mendoza's Oct 3 ET chapter

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