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The amount of nitrate () in the stream may be increased by the oxidation of . The nitrate concentration in the stream may be decreased by the uptake of by algae. The change in nitrate for a given day is:
where is the change in nitrate concentration (mg N/L), is the rate constant for biological oxidation of nitrite to nitrate (day or hr), is the nitrite concentration at the beginning of the day (mg N/L), is the fraction of algal nitrogen uptake from ammonium pool, is the fraction of algal biomass that is nitrogen (mg N/mg alg biomass), is the local growth rate of algae (day or hr), is the algal biomass concentration at the beginning of the day (mg alg/L), and is the flow travel time in the reach segment (day or hr). The local rate constant for biological oxidation of nitrite to nitrate is calculated with equation 7:3.2.9 while the fraction of algal nitrogen uptake from ammonium pool is calculated with equation 7:3.2.7. Section 7: describes the calculation of the local growth rate of algae. The calculation of travel time is reviewed in Chapter 7:1.
Table 7:3-2: SWAT+ input variables used in in-stream nitrogen calculations.
: Fraction of algal biomass that is nitrogen (mg N/mg alg biomass)
: Local algal respiration rate at 20C (day)
: Local rate constant for hydrolysis of organic nitrogen to NH at 20C (day or hr)
: Local settling rate for organic nitrogen at 20C (day)
: Rate constant for biological oxidation of ammonia nitrogen at 20C (day)
: Benthos (sediment) source rate for ammonium nitrogen at 20C (mg N/m-day or mg N/m-hr)
: Preference factor for ammonia nitrogen
: Rate constant for biological oxidation of nitrite to nitrate at 20C (day or hr)