Biomass Production

The amount of daily solar radiation intercepted by the leaf area of the plant is calculated using Beer’s law (Monsi and Saeki, 1953):

Hphosyn=0.5Hday(1exp(kLAI))H_{phosyn}=0.5*H_{day}*(1-exp(-k_{\Box}*LAI)) 5:2.1.1

where HphosynH_{phosyn} is the amount of intercepted photosynthetically active radiation on a given day (MJ m2^{-2}), HdayH_{day} is the incident total solar (MJ m2^{-2}), 0.5Hday0.5*H_{day} is the incident photosynthetically active radiation (MJ m2^{-2}), kk_{\Box} is the light extinction coefficient, and LAILAI is the leaf area index.

Photosynthetically active radiation is radiation with a wavelength between 400 and 700 mm (McCree, 1972). Direct solar beam radiation contains roughly 45% photosynthetically active radiation while diffuse radiation contains around 60% photosynthetically active radiation (Monteith, 1972; Ross, 1975). The fraction of photosynthetically active radiation will vary from day to day with variation in overcast conditions but studies in Europe and Israel indicate that 50% is a representative mean value (Monteith, 1972; Szeicz, 1974; Stanhill and Fuchs, 1977).

Radiation-use efficiency is the amount of dry biomass produced per unit intercepted solar radiation. The radiation-use efficiency is defined in the plant growth database and is assumed to be independent of the plant’s growth stage. The maximum increase in biomass on a given day that will result from the intercepted photosynthetically active radiation is estimated (Monteith, 1977):

Δbio=RUEHphosyn\Delta bio=RUE*H_{phosyn} 5:2.1.2

where Δbio\Delta bio is the potential increase in total plant biomass on a given day (kg/ha), RUERUE is the radiation-use efficiency of the plant (kg/ha⋅(MJ/m2^2)1^{-1} or 101^{-1} g/MJ), and HphosynH_{phosyn} is the amount of intercepted photosynthetically active radiation on a given day (MJ m2^{-2}). Equation 5:2.1.2 assumes that the photosynthetic rate of a canopy is a linear function of radiant energy.

The total biomass on a given day, dd, is calculated as:

bio=i=1dΔbioibio=\sum_{i=1}^{d}\Delta bio_i 5:2.1.3

where biobio is the total plant biomass on a given day (kg ha1^{-1}), and Δbioi\Delta bio_i is the increase in total plant biomass on day ii (kg/ha).

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#1315: katie.mendoza's Oct 3 ET chapter

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