Landuse and Management

There are several SWAT+ files that control the simulation of land use and management. The file landuse.lum summarizes the main land use information and references several other files that specify the details:

  • plant.ini stores information about the plants growing in a rotation or plant community,

  • management.sch is used to schedule management operations by heat units or dates and/or to list the decision tables to use for scheduling and conditioning management operations,

  • lum.dtl contains the land use and management decision tables,

  • cntable.lum lists typical Curve Number values for different land use types,

  • cons_practice.lum lists the USLE P values and slope lengths for various conservation practices,

  • ovn_table.lum lists overland Manning's n values for different tillage and land cover types.

Last updated

#1315: katie.mendoza's Oct 3 ET chapter

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