
An adequate dissolved oxygen concentration is a basic requirement for a healthy aquatic ecosystem. Dissolved oxygen concentrations in streams are a function of atmospheric reareation, photosynthesis, plant and animal respiration, benthic (sediment) demand, biochemical oxygen demand, nitrification, salinity, and temperature. The change in dissolved oxygen concentration on a given day is calculated:

ΔOxstr=(κ2(OxsatOxstr)+(α3μaα4ρa)algaeκ1cbodκ41000depthα5βN,1NH4strα6βN,2NO2str)TT\Delta Ox_{str}=(\kappa_2*(Ox_{sat}-Ox_{str})+(\alpha_3* \mu _a-\alpha_4*\rho_a)*algae-\kappa_1*cbod-\frac{\kappa_4}{1000*depth}-\alpha_5*\beta_{N,1}*NH4_{str}-\alpha_6*\beta_{N,2}*NO2_{str})*TT


where ΔOxstr\Delta Ox_{str} is the change in dissolved oxygen concentration (mg O2_2/L), κ2\kappa_2 is the reaeration rate for Fickian diffusion (day1^{-1} or hr1^{-1}), OxsatOx_{sat} is the saturation oxygen concentration (mg O2_2/L), OxstrOx_{str} is the dissolved oxygen concentration in the stream (mg O2_2/L), α3\alpha_3 is the rate of oxygen production per unit of algal photosynthesis (mg O2_2/mg alg), μa\mu _a is the local specific growth rate of algae (day1^{-1} or hr1^{-1}), α4\alpha _4 is the rate of oxygen uptake per unit of algae respired (mg O2_2/mg alg), ρa\rho_a is the local respiration or death rate of algae (day1^{-1} or hr1^{-1}), algaealgae is the algal biomass concentration at the beginning of the day (mg alg/L), κ1\kappa_1 is the CBOD deoxygenation rate (day1^{-1} or hr1^{-1}), cbodcbod is the carbonaceous biological oxygen demand concentration (mg CBOD/L), κ4\kappa_4 is the sediment oxygen demand rate (mg O2_2/(m2^2.day) or mg O2_2/(m2^2.hr)), depthdepth is the depth of water in the channel (m), α5\alpha_5 is the rate of oxygen uptake per unit NH4+^+_4 oxidation (mg O2_2/mg N), βN,1\beta_{N,1} is the rate constant for biological oxidation of ammonia nitrogen (day1^{-1} or hr1^{-1}), NH4strNH4_{str} is the ammonium concentration at the beginning of the day (mg N/L), α6\alpha_6 is the rate of oxygen uptake per unit NO2NO_2^- oxidation (mg O2_2/mg N), βN,2\beta_{N,2} is the rate constant for biological oxidation of nitrite to nitrate (day1^{-1} or hr1^{-1}), NO2strNO2_{str} is the nitrite concentration at the beginning of the day (mg N/L) and TTTT is the flow travel time in the reach segment (day or hr). The user defines the rate of oxygen production per unit algal photosynthesis, the rate of oxygen uptake per unit algal respiration, the rate of oxygen uptake per unit NH4+_4^+ oxidation and rate of oxygen uptake per unit NO2NO_2^- oxidation. Section 7: describes the calculation of the local growth rate of algae while equation 7:3.1.17 describes the calculation of the local respiration rate of algae. The rate constant for biological oxidation of NH4+^+_4 is calculated with equation 7:3.2.5 while the rate constant for NO2NO_2^- oxidation is determined with equation 7:3.2.9. The CBOD deoxygenation rate is calculated using equation 7:3.4.2. The calculation of depth and travel time are reviewed in Chapter 7:1.

The user defines the sediment oxygen demand rate at 20°\degreeC. The sediment oxygen demand rate is adjusted to the local water temperature using the relationship:

κ4=κ4,201.060(Twater20)\kappa_4=\kappa_{4,20}*1.060^{(T_{water}-20)} 7:3.5.2

where κ4\kappa_4 is the sediment oxygen demand rate (mg O2_2/(m2^2.day) or mg O2_2/(m2^2.hr)), κ4,20\kappa_{4,20} is the sediment oxygen demand rate at 20°\degreeC (mg O2_2/(m2^2.day) or mg O2_2/(m2^2.hr)), and TwaterT_{water} is the average water temperature for the day or hour (°\degreeC).

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#1315: katie.mendoza's Oct 3 ET chapter

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