Reaeration By Turbulent Flow Over A Dam

Reareation will occur when water falls over a dam, weir, or other structure in the stream. To simulate this form of reaeration, a “structure” command line is added in the watershed configuration file (.fig) at every point along the stream where flow over a structure occurs.

The amount of reaeration that occurs is a function of the oxygen deficit above the structure and a reaeration coefficient:

ΔOxstr=DaDb=Da(11rea)\Delta Ox_{str}=D_a-D_b=D_a(1-\frac{1}{rea}) 7:3.5.10

where ΔOxstr\Delta Ox_{str} is the change in dissolved oxygen concentration (mg O2_2/L), DaD_a is the oxygen deficit above the structure (mg O2_2/L), DbD_b is the oxygen deficit below the structure (mg O2_2/L), and rearea is the reaeration coefficient.

The oxygen deficit above the structure, DaD_a, is calculated:

Da=OxsatOxstrD_a=Ox_{sat}-Ox_{str} 7:3.5.11

where OxsatOx_{sat} is the equilibrium saturation oxygen concentration (mg O2_2/L), and OxstrOx_{str} is the dissolved oxygen concentration in the stream (mg O2_2/L).

Butts and Evans (1983) documents the following relationship that can be used to estimate the reaeration coefficient:

rea=1+0.38coefacoefbhfall(10.11hfall)(1+0.046Twater)rea=1+0.38*coef_a*coef_b*h_{fall}*(1-0.11*h_{fall})*(1+0.046*\overline T_{water}) 7:3.5.12

where rearea is the reaeration coefficient, coefacoef_a is an empirical water quality factor, coefbcoef_b is an empirical dam aeration coefficient, hfallh_{fall} is the height through which water falls (m), and Twater\overline T_{water} is the average water temperature (°\degreeC).

The empirical water quality factor is assigned a value based on the condition of the stream:

coefacoef_a = 1.80 in clean water

coefacoef_a = 1.60 in slightly polluted water

coefacoef_a = 1.00 in moderately polluted water

coefacoef_a = 0.65 in grossly polluted water

The empirical dam aeration coefficient is assigned a value based on the type of structure:

coefbcoef_b = 0.70 to 0.90 for flat broad crested weir

coefbcoef_b = 1.05 for sharp crested weir with straight slope face

coefbcoef_b = 0.80 for sharp crested weir with vertical face

coefbcoef_b = 0.05 for sluice gates with submerged discharge

Table 7:3-5: SWAT+ input variables used in in-stream oxygen calculations.

Variable Name
File Name


κ2,20\kappa_{2,20}: Reaeration rate at 20°\degreeC (day1^{-1})



α3\alpha_3: Rate of oxygen production per unit algal photosynthesis (mg O2_2/mg alg)



α4\alpha_4: Rate of oxygen uptake per unit algal respiration (mg O2_2/mg alg)



ρa,20\rho_{a,20}: Local algal respiration rate at 20°\degreeC (day1^{-1})



κ1,20\kappa_{1,20}: CBOD deoxygenation rate at 20°\degreeC (day1^{-1})



κ4,20\kappa_{4,20}:Sediment oxygen demand rate at 20°\degreeC(mg O2_2/(m2^



α5\alpha_5: Rate of oxygen uptake per unit NH4+_4^+ oxidation (mg O2_2/mg N)



α6\alpha_6: Rate of oxygen uptake per unit NO2_2 oxidation (mg O2_2/mg N)



rearea: Reaeration coefficient


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#1315: katie.mendoza's Oct 3 ET chapter

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