name (ovn_table.lum)
Overland flow Manning's n class name
The overland flow Manning's n class name is a primary key referenced by ov_mann in landuse.lum. All names in the ovn_table.lum file must be unique.
Name | Land use/tillage type | Treatment |
fallow_nores | Fallow | No residue |
convtill_nores | Conventional tillage | No residue |
convtill_res | Conventional tillage | Residue |
chisplow_nores | Chisel plow | No residue |
chisplow_res | Chisel plow | Residue |
falldisk_res | Fall disking | Residue |
notill_nores | No tillage | No residue |
notill_0.5-1res | No tillage | 0.5-1 t/ha residue |
notill_2-9res | No tillage | 2-9 t/ha residue |
range_sparse | Rangeland with sparse cover | --- |
range_20cover | Rangeland with 20% cover | --- |
shortgrass | Short grass prairie | --- |
densegrass | Dense grass | --- |
bermudagrass | Bermudagrass | --- |
forest_light | Light forest | --- |
forest_med | Medium forest | --- |
forest_heavy | Heavy forest | --- |
urban_asphalt | Urban area with asphalt | --- |
urban_concrete | Urban area with concrete | --- |
urban_rubble | Urban area with rubble | --- |
Last updated