Humus Mineralization

Phosphorus in the humus fraction is partitioned between the active and stable organic pools using the ratio of humus active organic N to stable organic N. The amount of phosphorus in the active and stable organic pools is calculated:

orgPact,ly=orgPhum,lyorgNact,lyorgNact,ly+orgNsta,lyorgP_{act,ly}=orgP_{hum,ly}*\frac{orgN_{act,ly}}{orgN_{act,ly}+orgN_{sta,ly}} 3:2.2.3

orgPsta,ly=orgPhum,lyorgNsta,lyorgNact,ly+orgNsta,lyorgP_{sta,ly}=orgP_{hum,ly}*\frac{orgN_{sta,ly}}{orgN_{act,ly}+orgN_{sta,ly}} 3:2.2.4

where orgPact,lyorgP_{act,ly} is the amount of phosphorus in the active organic pool (kg P/ha), orgPsta,lyorgP_{sta,ly} is the amount of phosphorus in the stable organic pool (kg P/ha), orgPhum,lyorgP_{hum,ly} is the concentration of humic organic phosphorus in the layer (kg P/ha), orgNact,lyorgN_{act,ly} is the amount of nitrogen in the active organic pool (kg N/ha), and orgNsta,lyorgN_{sta,ly} is the amount of nitrogen in the stable organic pool (kg N/ha).

Mineralization from the humus active organic P pool is calculated:

Pmina,ly=1.4βmin(γtmp,lyγsw,ly)1/2orgPact,lyP_{mina,ly}=1.4*\beta_{min}*(\gamma_{tmp,ly}*\gamma_{sw,ly})^{1/2}*orgP_{act,ly} 3:2.2.5

where Pmina,lyP_{mina,ly} is the phosphorus mineralized from the humus active organic PP pool (kg P/ha), βmin\beta_{min} is the rate coefficient for mineralization of the humus active organic nutrients, γtmp,ly\gamma_{tmp,ly} is the nutrient cycling temperature factor for layer lyly, γsw,ly\gamma_{sw,ly} is the nutrient cycling water factor for layer lyly, and orgPact,lyorgP_{act,ly} is the amount of phosphorus in the active organic pool (kg P/ha).

Phosphorus mineralized from the humus active organic pool is added to the solution P pool in the layer.

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#1315: katie.mendoza's Oct 3 ET chapter

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