Mass Balance

The mass balance equation for sediment in a water body is:

sedwb=sedwb,i+sedflowināˆ’sedstlāˆ’sedflowoutsed_{wb}=sed_{wb,i}+sed_{flowin}-sed_{stl}-sed_{flowout} 8:2.1.1

where sedwbsed_{wb} is the amount of sediment in the water body at the end of the day (metric tons), sedwb,ised_{wb,i} is the amount of sediment in the water body at the beginning of the day (metric tons), sedflowinsed_{flowin} is the amount of sediment added to the water body with inflow (metric tons), sedstlsed_{stl} is the amount of sediment removed from the water by settling (metric tons), sedflowoutsed_{flowout} is the amount of sediment transported out of the water body with outflow (metric tons).

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