Residue Decomposition & Mineralization
Decomposition and mineralization of the fresh organic phosphorus pool is allowed only in the first soil layer. Decomposition and mineralization are controlled by a decay rate constant that is updated daily. The decay rate constant is calculated as a function of the C:N ratio and C:P ratio of the residue, temperature and soil water content.
The C:N ratio of the residue is calculated:
where is the C:N ratio of the residue in the soil layer, is the residue in layer (kg/ha), 0.58 is the fraction of residue that is carbon, is the nitrogen in the fresh organic pool in layer (kg N/ha), and is the amount of nitrate in layer (kg N/ha).
The C:P ratio of the residue is calculated:
where is the C:P ratio of the residue in the soil layer, is the residue in layer (kg/ha), 0.58 is the fraction of residue that is carbon, is the phosphorus in the fresh organic pool in layer (kg P/ha), and is the amount of phosphorus in solution in layer (kg P/ha).
The decay rate constant defines the fraction of residue that is decomposed. The decay rate constant is calculated:
where is the residue decay rate constant, is the rate coefficient for mineralization of the residue fresh organic nutrients, is the nutrient cycling residue composition factor for layer , is the nutrient cycling temperature factor for layer , and is the nutrient cycling water factor for layer .
The nutrient cycling residue composition factor is calculated:
where is the nutrient cycling residue composition factor for layer , is the C:N ratio on the residue in the soil layer, and is the C:P ratio on the residue in the soil layer.
Mineralization from the residue fresh organic P pool is then calculated:
where is the phosphorus mineralized from the fresh organic pool (kg P/ha), is the residue decay rate constant, and is the phosphorus in the fresh organic pool in layer (kg P/ha). Phosphorus mineralized from the fresh organic pool is added to the solution pool in the layer.
Decomposition from the residue fresh organic P pool is calculated:
where is the phosphorus decomposed from the fresh organic pool (kg P/ha), is the residue decay rate constant, and is the phosphorus in the fresh organic pool in layer (kg P/ha). Phosphorus decomposed from the fresh organic pool is added to the humus organic pool in the layer.
Table 3:2-2: SWAT+ input variables that pertain to mineralization.
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