1:1.1.3 Solar Noon, Sunrise, Sunset, and Daylength
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The angle between the line from an observer on the earth to the sun and a vertical line extending upward from the observer is called the zenith angle, (Figure 1:1-1). Solar noon occurs when this angle is at its minimum value for the day.
For a given geographical position, the relationship between the sun and a horizontal surface on the earth's surface is:
The only SWAT+ input variable used in the calculations reviewed in Section 1:1.1 is given in Table 1:1-1.
Table 1:1-1: SWAT+ input variables that are used in earth-sun relationship calculations.
Source Name
Input Name
Input file
Latitude of the weather generator station (degrees).
where is the solar declination in radians, is the geographic latitude in radians, is the angular velocity of the earth's rotation (0.2618 rad or 15˚ ), and t is the solar hour. equals zero at solar noon, is a positive value in the morning, and is a negative value in the evening. The combined term is referred to as the hour angle.
Sunrise, , and sunset, , occur at equal times before and after solar noon. These times can be determined by rearranging the above equation as:
Total daylength, is calculated:
At latitudes above or below , the absolute value of [ ] can exceed 1 and the above equation cannot be used. When this happens, there is either no sunrise (winter) or no sunset (summer) and must be assigned a value of 0 or 24 hours, respectively.
To determine the minimum daylength that will occur during the year, equation 1:1.1.6 is solved with the solar declination set to (-0.4102 radians) for the northern hemisphere or (0.4102 radians) for the southern hemisphere.