Average Annual Release Rate For Uncontrolled Reservoir
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When the average annual release rate (IRESCO = 0) is chosen as the method to calculate reservoir outflow, the reservoir releases water whenever the reservoir volume exceeds the principal spillway volume, . If the reservoir volume is greater than the principal spillway volume but less than the emergency spillway volume, the amount of reservoir outflow is calculated:
if 8:1.1.9
if 8:1.1.10
If the reservoir volume exceeds the emergency spillway volume, the amount of outflow is calculated:
if 8:1.1.11
if 8:1.1.12
where is the volume of water flowing out of the water body during the day (m HO), is the volume of water stored in the reservoir (m HO), is the volume of water held in the reservoir when filled to the principal spillway (m HO), is the volume of water held in the reservoir when filled to the emergency spillway (m HO), and is the average daily principal spillway release rate (m/s).