
Pesticides in both the particulate and dissolved forms are subject to degradation. The amount of pesticide that is removed from the water via degradation is:

pstdeg,wtr=kp,aqāˆ—pstlkwtrpst_{deg,wtr}=k_{p,aq}*pst_{lkwtr} 8:4.1.6

where pstdeg,wtrpst_{deg,wtr} is the amount of pesticide removed from the water via degradation (mg pst), kp,aqk_{p,aq} is the rate constant for degradation or removal of pesticide in the water (1/day), and pstlkwtrpst_{lkwtr} is the amount of pesticide in the water at the beginning of the day (mg pst). The rate constant is related to the aqueous half-life:

kp,aq=0.693t1/2,aqk_{p,aq}=\frac{0.693}{t_{1/2,aq}} 8:4.1.7

where kp,aqk_{p,aq} is the rate constant for degradation or removal of pesticide in the water (1/day), and t1/2,aqt_{1/2,aq} is the aqueous half-life for the pesticide (days).

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