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The variable storage routing method was developed by Williams (1969) and used in the HYMO (Williams and Hann, 1973) and ROTO (Arnold et al., 1995) models.
For a given reach segment, storage routing is based on the continuity equation:
where is the volume of inflow during the time step (m HO), is the volume of outflow during the time step (m HO), and is the change in volume of storage during the time step (m HO). This equation can be written as
where is the length of the time step (s), is the inflow rate at the beginning of the time step (m/s), is the inflow rate at the end of the time step (m/s), is the outflow rate at the beginning of the time step (m/s), is the outflow rate at the end of the time step (m/s), is the storage volume at the beginning of the time step (m HO), and is the storage volume at the end of the time step (m HO). Rearranging equation 7:1.3.2 so that all known variables are on the left side of the equation,
where is the average inflow rate during the time step: .
Travel time is computed by dividing the volume of water in the channel by the flow rate.
where is the travel time (s), is the storage volume (m HO), and is the discharge rate (m/s).
To obtain a relationship between travel time and the storage coefficient, equation 7:1.3.4 is substituted into equation 7:1.3.3:
which simplifies to
This equation is similar to the coefficient method equation
It can be shown that
Substituting this into equation 7:1.3.7 gives
To express all values in units of volume, both sides of the equation are multiplied by the time step
where is the storage coefficient. Equation 7:1.3.7 is the basis for the SCS convex routing method (SCS, 1964) and the Muskingum method (Brakensiek, 1967; Overton, 1966). From equation 7:1.3.6, the storage coefficient in equation 7:1.3.7 is defined as