1:3.3.1 Normalized Intensity Distribution
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The rainfall intensity distribution given in equation 1:3.3.1 can be normalized to eliminate units. To do this, all time values are divided, or normalized, by the storm duration and all intensity values are normalized by the average storm intensity. For example,
where the normalized rainfall intensity at time , is the rainfall intensity at time T(), is the average storm rainfall intensity (), is the time during the storm expressed as a fraction of the total storm duration (0.0-1.0), is the time since the beginning of the storm (), and is the duration of the storm ().
The normalized storm intensity distribution is:
where the normalized rainfall intensity at time , is the normalized maximum or peak rainfall intensity during the storm, is the time during the storm expressed as a fraction of the total storm duration (0.0-1.0), is the time from the beginning of the storm till the peak intensity expressed as a fraction of the total storm duration (0.0-1.0), and are equation coefficients.
The relationship between the original equation coefficients and the normalized equation coefficients is:
where is the equation coefficient for rainfall intensity before peak intensity is reached (), is the normalized equation coefficient for rainfall intensity before peak intensity is reached, is the equation coefficient for rainfall intensity after peak intensity is reached (), is the normalized equation coefficient for rainfall intensity after peak intensity is reached, and is the storm duration ().
Values for the equation coefficients, and , can be determined by isolating the coefficients in equation 1:3.3.4. At = 0.0 and at = 1.0,
where is the normalized equation coefficient for rainfall intensity before peak intensity is reached, is the normalized equation coefficient for rainfall intensity after peak intensity is reached, is the time during the storm expressed as a fraction of the total storm duration (0.0-1.0), is the time from the beginning of the storm till the peak intensity expressed as a fraction of the total storm duration (0.0-1.0), is the normalized rainfall intensity at time , and is the normalized maximum or peak rainfall intensity during the storm.