Linear algal self-shading coefficient
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Linear algal self-shading coefficient
Last updated
The light extinction coefficient, , is calculated as a function of the algal density using the nonlinear equation:
where is the non-algal portion of the light extinction coefficient (), is the linear algal self shading coefficient (, is the nonlinear algal self shading coefficient , is the ratio of chlorophyll a to algal biomass ( chla/mg alg), and is the algal biomass concentration (mg alg/L).
This equation allows a variety of algal, self-shading, light extinction relationships to be modeled. When both and are set to 0, no algal self-shading is simulated. When is set to a value other than 0 and is set to 0, linear algal self-shading is modeled. When both and are set to a value other than 0, non-linear algal self-shading is modeled.
The Riley equation (Bowie et al., 1985) defines and .
Local Specific Growth Rate of Algae
Bowie, G.L., W.B. Mills, D.B. Porcella, C.L. Campbell, J.R. Pagenkopt, G.L. Rupp, K.M. Johnson, P.W.H. Chan, and S.A. Gherini. 1985. Rates, constants, and kinetic formulations in surface water quality modeling, 2nd ed. EPA/600/3-85/040, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Athens, GA.