
This file contains the filter strip parameters.

A filter strip is a strip of dense vegetation located to intercept runoff from upslope pollutant sources and filter it. Filter strips remove contaminants by reducing overland flow velocity which results in the deposition of particulates. The filter strip area also acts as an area of increased infiltration, reducing both the runoff volume and non-particulate contaminants. The filter strip algorithm used in SWAT+ was derived from White and Arnold (2009). Filter strips reduce sediment, nutrients, bacteria, and pesticides, but do not affect surface runoff in SWAT+.


White, Michael J. and Arnold, Jeff G. (2009): Development of a simplistic vegetative filter strip model for sediment and nutrient retention at the field scale. Hydrological Processes 23, 1602– 1616. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.7291

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