
Before contacting support, please ensure you have the newest version of the tools installed. Check the common situations below, and if your error is not covered, consult the appropriate user group.

I received an error setting up my watershed in QSWAT+

Make sure you have installed the most recent version of QSWAT+ and followed the manual's installation instructions closely.

If you received an error during steps 1, 2, or 4 of the QSWAT+ interface, please consult the QSWAT+ user group. Check existing questions to see if anyone else had the same problem. If not, please post your error and be as descriptive as possible about what you were doing when you received the error message.

I received an error in SWAT+ Editor

SWAT+ Editor is most often accessed during step 3 of the QSWAT+ plugin. It may also be launched on its own. Make sure you have installed the most recent version of SWAT+ Editor.

If your error is not covered by the solutions below, please consult the SWAT+ Editor user group.

There was an error checking your project configuration

If you receive this message when you first launch your project in the editor, it is a sign the editor did not load its services correctly. While SWAT+ Editor is running, please right-click your Windows taskbar and select Task Manager. Expand the arrow next to SWATPlusEditor and ensure you have swatplus_rest_api.exe running as shown in the screenshot below.

If you do not see it running, please open a command prompt window. Make sure you are in the C drive, or the drive where you installed SWAT+. Browse to the location below, then run the swatplus_rest_api.exe file.

> cd C:\SWAT\SWATPlus\SWATPlusEditor\resources\app.asar.unpacked\api_dist
> swatplus_rest_api.exe

If it is working properly, you should receive something similar to the following:

* Serving Flask app "swatplus_rest_api" (lazy loading)
* Environment: production
WARNING: Do not use the development server in a production environment.
Use a production WSGI server instead.
* Debug mode: off
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

If this is what you received, please simply close SWAT+ Editor and try launching it again.

If you get no message on the screen at all, it might be a permission or error related to your computer settings. Try installing to another location on your machine, such as another hard drive, or even install to a flash drive. If this still does not work, try another machine.

If you receive an error message, please copy it and report to the Bitbucket issue tracker.

I received an error importing GIS data or updating my project

Please post the error message to the SWAT+ Editor user group AND include your project files. This error is likely project specific and we cannot help you without seeing your project files.

Other SWAT+ Editor errors

If you receive any other error messages from SWAT+ Editor, from its menu go to View -> Toggle Developer Tools. In the windows that pops open, toggle the Console tab and take a screenshot or copy an errors received and post to the SWAT+ Editor user group.

I received an error running the SWAT+ model

If you received an error running the model, first make sure you have run it in debug mode and checked the detailed error received. If you are not able to make sense of the source of the model error, please post to the SWAT+ model user group AND include your project files. This error is likely project specific and we cannot help you without seeing your project files.

Last updated