Source Code

Run and Compile SWAT+ Editor

Install Development Tools

  • You may use any IDE of your choice, however Visual Studio Code is used by the developer.

  • Install Python 3.7

  • Install required Python packages. From command prompt, go to source code /api directory and run:

pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Install Node.js

  • Install required Node.js packages. From command prompt, go to the root directory of the source code and run:

npm install

Run the Source Code

From a command prompt in the root directory (terminal inside Visual Studio Code)

npm run dev

Open a second command prompt and run

npm run electron

Build the Source Code

First, use PyInstaller (included in the Python packages during install) to freeze the Python into executable files. This should be done from the /api directory in the source code. In Windows, run the supplied .bat file from a command prompt:


Next, build the Vue.js code. Open a command prompt and run:

npm run build

Finally, package the code for distribution using Electron Builder. Configuration is set in the package.json file. Results of the build will be placed in the /release/dist directory.

Create an installer:

npm run dist

Or, build a portable executable:

npm run dist-port

Or, pack the files into a directory:

npm run pack

Last updated