ID of the routing unit
The ID of the Routing Unit is a primary key referenced by rtu in rout_unit.con. All IDs in the rout_unit.rtu file must be unique.
Pointer to the routing unit definition file
The pointer to the routing unit definition file is a foreign key referencing id in rout_unit.def.
Name of the routing unit
The name of the routing unit is not used by the model.
Pointer to the topography file
The pointer to the topography file is a foreign key referencing name in topography.hyd.
The topography variables for Routing Units are used to compute time of concentration for sub-daily routing.
This file references other files specifying the elements that are part of a Routing Unit and its topographic and field properties.
ID of the Routing Unit
Name of the Routing Unit
Pointer to the Routing Unit definition file
Delivery ratio
Pointer to the topography file
Pointer to the field file