Daily Air Temperature SWAT+ requires daily maximum and minimum air temperature. This data may be read from an input file or generated by the model. The user is strongly recommended to obtain measured daily temperature records from gages in or near the watershed if at all possible. The accuracy of model results is significantly improved by the use of measured temperature data.
The variable TMPSIM in the master watershed (file.cio) file identifies the method used to obtain air temperature data. To read in daily maximum and minimum air temperature data, the variable is set to 1 and the name of the temperature data file(s) and the number of temperature records stored in the file are set. To generate daily air temperature values, TMPSIM is set to 2. The equations used to generate air temperature data in SWAT+ are reviewed in Chapter 1:3. SWAT+ input variables that pertain to air temperature are summarized in Table 1:1-5.
Table 1:1-5: SWAT+ input variables that pertain to daily air temperature.
Air temperature input code: 1-measured, 2-generated
Number of temperature gage (.tmp) files used in simulation file (required if TMPSIM = 1)
Number of temperature records used in simulation (required if TMPSIM = 1)
Number of temperature records within each .tmp file file (required if TMPSIM = 1)
Name of measured temperature input file (.tmp) Up to 18 files may be used. (required if TMPSIM = 1)
Number of temperature record used within the subbasin (required if TMPSIM = 1)
See description of .tmp file in the User’s Manual for input and format requirements if measured temperature data is being used.
Water temperature is required to model in-stream biological and water quality processes. SWAT+ uses an equation developed by Stefan and Preud’homme (1993) to calculate average daily water temperature for a well-mixed stream:
where is the water temperature for the day (C), and is the average air temperature on the day (C).
Due to thermal inertia of the water, the response of water temperature to a change in air temperature is dampened and delayed. When water and air temperature are plotted for a stream or river, the peaks in the water temperature plots usually lag 3-7 hours behind the peaks in air temperature. As the depth of the river increases, the lag time can increase beyond this typical interval. For very large rivers, the lag time can extend up to a week. Equation 1:1.3.13 assumes that the lag time between air and water temperatures is less than 1 day.
In addition to air temperature, water temperature is influenced by solar radiation, relative humidity, wind speed, water depth, ground water inflow, artificial heat inputs, thermal conductivity of the sediments and the presence of impoundments along the stream network. SWAT+ assumes that the impact of these other variables on water temperature is not significant.
Table 1:1-8: SWAT+ input variables that pertain to water temperature.
Air temperature data are usually provided in the form of daily maximum and minimum temperature. A reasonable approximation for converting these to hourly temperatures is to assume a sinusoidal interpolation function between the minimum and maximum daily temperatures. The maximum daily temperature is assumed to occur at 1500 hours and the minimum daily temperature at 300 hours (Campbell, 1985). The temperature for the hour is then calculated with the equation:
where is the air temperature during hour of the day (C), is the average temperature on the day (C), is the daily maximum temperature (C), and is the daily minimum temperature (C).
Table 1:1-6: SWAT+ input variables that pertain to hourly air temperature.
Tmx: Daily maximum temperature (C)
: Daily minimum temperature (C)
: Daily maximum temperature (C)
: Daily minimum temperature (C)
Soil temperature will fluctuate due to seasonal and diurnal variations in temperature at the surface. Figure 1:1-2 plots air temperature and soil temperature at 5 cm and 300 cm below bare soil at College Station, Texas. Figure 1:1-2: Four-year average air and soil temperature at College Station, Texas.
This figure illustrates several important attributes of temperature variation in the soil. First, the annual variation in soil temperature follows a sinusoidal function. Second, the fluctuation in temperature during the year (the amplitude of the sine wave) decreases with depth until, at some depth in the soil, the temperature remains constant throughout the year. Finally, the timing of maximum and minimum temperatures varies with depth. Note in the above graph that there is a three month difference between the recording of the minimum temperature at the surface (January) and the minimum temperature at 300 cm (March).
Carslaw and Jaeger (1959) developed an equation to quantify the seasonal variation in temperature:
where is the soil temperature (C) at depth z(mm)and day of the year , is the average annual soil temperature (C), is the amplitude of the surface fluctuations (C), is the damping depth (mm) and is the angular frequency. When (soil surface), equation 1:1.3.2 reduces to As , equation 1:1.3.2 becomes .
In order to calculate values for some of the variables in this equation, the heat capacity and thermal conductivity of the soil must be known. These are properties not commonly measured in soils and attempts at estimating values from other soil properties have not proven very effective. Consequently, an equation has been adopted in SWAT+ that calculates the temperature in the soil as a function of the previous day’s soil temperature, the average annual air temperature, the current day’s soil surface temperature, and the depth in the profile.
The equation used to calculate daily average soil temperature at the center of each layer is:
where is the soil temperature(C) at depth (mm)and day of the year ,is the lag coefficient (ranging from 0.0 to 1.0) that controls the influence of the previous day's temperature on the current day's temperature , is the soil temperature (C) in the layer from the previous day, is the depth factor that quantifies the influence of depth below surface on soil temperature , is the average annual temperature (C), and is the soil surface temperature on the day. SWAT+ sets the lag coefficient ,to 0.80. The soil temperature from the previous day is known and the average annual air temperature is calculated from the long-term monthly maximum and minimum temperatures reported in the weather generator input (.wgn) file. This leaves the depth factor, , and the soil surface temperature, , to be defined.
The depth factor is calculated using the equation:
where is the ratio of the depth at the center of the soil layer to the damping depth:
where is the depth at the center of the soil layer (mm) and is the damping depth (mm).
From the previous three equations (1:1.3.3, 1:1.3.4 and 1:1.3.5) one can see that at depths close to the soil surface, the soil temperature is a function of the soil surface temperature. As the depth increases, soil temperature is increasingly influenced by the average annual air temperature, until at the damping depth, the soil temperature is within 5% of .
The damping depth, , is calculated daily and is a function of the maximum damping depth, bulk density and soil water. The maximum damping depth, , is calculated:
where is the maximum damping depth (mm), and is the soil bulk density (). The impact of soil water content on the damping depth is incorporated via a scaling factor,, that is calculated with the equation:
where is the amount of water in the soil profile expressed as depth of water in the profile (mm ), is the soil bulk density (), and is the depth from the soil surface to the bottom of the soil profile (mm).
The daily value for the damping depth, , is calculated:
where is the maximum damping depth (mm), and is the scaling factor for soil water. The soil surface temperature is a function of the previous day’s temperature, the amount of ground cover and the temperature of the surface when no cover is present. The temperature of a bare soil surface is calculated with the equation:
where is the temperature of the soil surface with no cover (C), is the average temperature on the day (C), is the daily maximum temperature (C), is the daily minimum temperature (C), and is a radiation term. The radiation term is calculated with the equation:
where is the solar radiation reaching the ground on the current day (), and is the albedo for the day. Any cover present will significantly impact the soil surface temperature. The influence of plant canopy or snow cover on soil temperature is incorporated with a weighting factor, , calculated as:
where is the total aboveground biomass and residue present on the current day (kg ha) and SNO is the water content of the snow cover on the current day (mm ). The weighting factor, , is 0.0 for a bare soil and approaches 1.0 as cover increases.
The equation used to calculate the soil surface temperature is:
where is the soil surface temperature for the current day (C), is the weighting factor for soil cover impacts, is the soil temperature of the first soil layer on the previous day (C), and is the temperature of the bare soil surface (C). The influence of ground cover is to place more emphasis on the previous day’s temperature near the surface.
SWAT+ input variables that directly impact soil temperature calculations are listed in Table 1:1-7. There are several other variables that initialize residue and snow cover in the subbasins or HRUs (SNO_SUB and SNOEB in .sub; RSDIN in .hru). The influence of these variables will be limited to the first few months of simulation. Finally, the timing of management operations in the .mgt file will affect ground cover and consequently soil temperature.
Table 1:1-7: SWAT+ input variables that pertain to soil temperature.
Average maximum air temperature for month (C)
Average minimum air temperature for month (C)
Moist soil albedo.
: Depth from soil surface to bottom of layer (mm)
: Moist bulk density (Mg m or g cm)
: Daily maximum temperature (C)
: Daily minimum temperature (C)
Temperature influences a number of physical, chemical and biological processes. Plant production is strongly temperature dependent, as are organic matter decomposition and mineralization. Daily air temperature may be input to the model or generated from average monthly values. Soil and water temperatures are derived from air temperature.