In large subbasins with a time of concentration greater than 1 day, only a portion of the surface runoff will reach the main channel on the day it is generated. SWAT+ incorporates a surface runoff storage feature to lag a portion of the surface runoff release to the main channel.
Once surface runoff is calculated with the Curve Number or Green & Ampt method, the amount of surface runoff released to the main channel is calculated:
where is the amount of surface runoff discharged to the main channel on a given day (mm HO), is the amount of surface runoff generated in the subbasin on a given day (mm HO), is the surface runoff stored or lagged from the previous day (mm HO), is the surface runoff lag coefficient, and is the time of concentration for the subbasin (hrs).
The expression in equation 2:1.4.1 represents the fraction of the total available water that will be allowed to enter the reach on any one day. Figure 2:1-3 plots values for this expression at different values for and .
Figure 2:1-3: Influence of and on fraction of surface runoff released.
Note that for a given time of concentration, as decreases in value more water is held in storage. The delay in release of surface runoff will smooth the streamflow hydrograph simulated in the reach.
Table 2:1-6: SWAT+ input variables that pertain to surface runoff lag calculations.