Standard deviation for daily maximum air temperature in month
This parameter quantifies the variability in maximum temperature for each month. The standard deviation is calculated as
where is the standard deviation for daily maximum temperature in month (ºC), is the daily maximum temperature on day in month (ºC), is the average daily maximum temperature for the month (ºC), and is the total number of daily maximum temperature records for month .
Average or mean daily minimum air temperature for month
This value is calculated by summing the minimum air temperature for every day in the month for all years of record and dividing the sum by the number of days:
where is the mean daily minimum temperature for the month (ºC), is the daily minimum temperature on day in month (ºC), and is the total number of daily minimum temperature records for month .
Average or mean daily maximum air temperature for month
This value is calculated by summing the maximum air temperature for every day in the month for all years of record and dividing the sum by the number of days:
where is the mean daily maximum temperature for the month (ºC), is the daily maximum temperature on day in month (ºC), and is the total number of daily maximum temperature records for month .
Name of the weather generator station
The name of the weather generator station is a primary key referenced by wgn in weather-sta.cli.
Skew coefficient for daily precipitation in month
This parameter quantifies the symmetry of the precipitation distribution around the monthly mean. The skew coefficient is calculated as
where is the skew coefficient for precipitation in the month, is the total number of daily precipitation records for month , is the amount of precipitation for day in month (mm H2O), is the average precipitation for the month (mm H2O), and is the standard deviation for daily precipitation in month (mm H2O). Daily precipitation values of 0 mm are included in the skew coefficient calculation.
Standard deviation for daily precipitation in month
This parameter quantifies the variability in precipitation for each month. The standard deviation is calculated as
where is the standard deviation for daily precipitation in month (mm H2O), is the amount of precipitation for day in month (mm H2O), is the average precipitation for the month (mm H2O), and is the total number of daily precipitation records for month . Daily precipitation values of 0 mm are included in the standard deviation calculation.
Average or mean total monthly precipitation
The average or mean total monthly precipitation is calculated as
where is the mean monthly precipitation (mm H2O), is the daily precipitation for day in month (mm H2O), is the total number of records in month used to calculate the average, and is the number of years of daily precipitation records used in calculation.
Number of years of maximum monthly 0.5 h rainfall data
This variable is used to calculate values for pcp_hhr.
If no value is specified, the model will set yrs_pcp = 10.
Average daily dew point temperature for each month (ºC) or relative humidity (fraction)
If all twelve months are < 1.0, the model assumes the data provided is relative humidity. Relative humidity is defined as the amount of water vapor in the air as a fraction of saturation humidity. If any month has a value > 1.0, the model assumes the data provided is dewpoint temperature.
Dew point temperature is the temperature at which the actual vapor pressure present in the atmosphere is equal to the saturation vapor pressure. This value is calculated by summing the dew point temperature for every day in the month for all years of record and dividing the sum by the number of days:
where is the mean daily dew point temperature for the month (ºC), is the dew point temperature for day in month (ºC), and is the total number of daily dew point records for month . Please refer to the SWAT+ Theoretical Documentation for the equations used to convert dew point to relative humidity.
Probability of a wet day following a wet day in the month
The probability is calculated as
where is the probability of a wet day following a wet day in month , is the number of times a wet day followed a wet day in month for the entire period of record, and is the number of wet days in month during the entire period of record. A wet day is a day with > 0 mm precipitation.
Average daily wind speed in month
This value is calculated by summing the average or mean wind speed values for every day in the month for all years of record and dividing the sum by the number of days:
where is the mean daily wind speed for the month (m/s), is the average wind speed for day in month (ºC), and N is the total number of daily wind speed records for month .
Average number of days of precipitation in month
This parameter is calculated as
where is the average number of days of precipitation in month , is the number of wet days in month during the entire period of record, and is the number of years of record.
Probability of a wet day following a dry day in the month
The probability is calculated as
where is the probability of a wet day following a dry day in month , is the number of times a wet day followed a dry day in month for the entire period of record, and is the number of dry days in month during the entire period of record. A dry day is a day with 0 mm of precipitation. A wet day is a day with > 0 mm precipitation.
Standard deviation for daily minimum air temperature in month
This parameter quantifies the variability in minimum temperature for each month. The standard deviation is calculated as
where is the standard deviation for daily minimum temperature in month (ºC), is the daily minimum temperature on day in month (ºC), is the average daily minimum temperature for the month (ºC), and is the total number of daily minimum temperature records for month .
Maximum 0.5-hour rainfall in month
This value represents the most extreme 30-minute rainfall intensity recorded in the entire period of record.
This file contains weather generator data to be used for a SWAT+ setup.
The weather generator file contains weather generator data for any number of stations. For each weather generator station, there will be one line specifying the name of the station, its latitude, longitude, and elevation, and the number of years of maximum monthly 0.5 h rainfall data used to define values for . There are no headers for this line. These variables are listed in the first table below. The second line for each weather generator station contains the headers for the following 12 lines, which list the weather generator data for each month of the year. An overview of the weather generator data variables is given in the second table below.
A SWAT+ Global Weather Generator Database containing weather generator datasets for almost 180,000 stations across the globe can be downloaded from the SWAT website: .
If the user wishes to add a new weather generator station, the use of the WGN Parameters Estimation Tool or the WGN Excel macro is recommended. Both can be downloaded from the SWAT website: .
Field | Description | Type | Unit |
Field | Description | Type | Unit | Range |
Average daily solar radiation for month
This value is calculated by summing the total solar radiation for every day in the month for all years of record and dividing the sum by the number of days:
where is the mean daily solar radiation for the month (MJ/m2/day), is the total solar radiation reaching the earth’s surface on day in month (MJ/m2/day), and is the total number of daily solar radiation records for month .
Name of weather generator station | string | n/a |
latitude | Latitude of weather generator station | real | Decimal Degrees |
longitude | Longitude of weather generator station | real | Decimal Degrees |
elevation | Elevation of weather generator station | real | m |
Number of years of maximum monthly 0.5 h rainfall data used to define values for pcp_hhr | integer | years |
Average or mean daily maximum air temperature for month | real | °C | -30 - 50 |
Average or mean daily minimum air temperature for month | real | °C | -40 - 40 |
Standard deviation for daily maximum air temperature in month | real | °C | 0.1 - 100 |
Standard deviation for daily minimum air temperature in month | real | °C | 0.1 - 30 |
Average or mean total monthly precipitation | real | mm | 0 - 600 |
Standard deviation for daily precipitation in month | real | mm/day | 0.1 - 50 |
Skew coefficient for daily precipitation in month | real | mm | -50 - 20 |
Probability of a wet day following a dry day in the month | real | n/a | 0 - 0.95 |
Probability of a wet day following a wet day in the month | real | n/a | 0 - 0.95 |
Average number of days of precipitation in month | real | n/a | 0 - 31 |
Maximum 0.5-hour rainfall in month | real | mm | 0 - 125 |
Average daily solar radiation for month | real | MJ/m^2/day | 0 - 750 |
Average daily dew point temperature for each month (ºC) or relative humidity (fraction) | real | °C or fraction | -50 - 25 |
Average daily wind speed in month | real | m/s | 0 - 100 |