Print interval within the period
This parameter specifies the interval within the specified printing period.
Example: If interval = 2, output will be printed for every other day.
Number of years at the beginning of the simulation to not print output
Some simulations will need a warm-up or equilibration period. The use of a warm-up period becomes more important as the simulation period of interest shortens. For 30-year simulations, a warm-up period is optional. For a simulation covering 5 years or less, a warm-up period is recommended.
Examples: If nyskip = 2, the model will skip printing the first two years regardless of the starting year. If nyskip = 0, output for all years of the simulation will be printed. If nyskip equals the number of years in the simulation, no output will be printed.
Number of print intervals for average annual output
If aa_int_cnt = 0, the model will print average annual output for the entire period. If aa_int_cnt > 0, the end years of the print intervals have to be specified by the user by listing them in chronological order in the same line as aa_int_cnt.
Example: If aa_int_cnt = 3 1955 1965 1975, average annual results will be printed for the time periods ending in 1955, 1965, and 1975.
This file controls which output files will be printed during the simulation.
The print.prt file is formatted differently than most other SWAT+ input files (see figure below). In line three, there are several variables for controlling the time period to be printed. In line five, the user can specify the number of print intervals for average annual output. In line seven, the user can select to have output files printed in a specific file format (in addition to the default *.txt output files). In line 9, the user can control the printing of outputs for soils and management as well as flow duration curves. In lines 11 to 90, there is a list of outputs for different spatial levels and objects that can be printed at daily, monthly, yearly, and average annual time steps. A description of the output files is provided in the SWAT+ Output Files section.
Field | Description | Type |
Objects that output can be printed for at different time steps
The table below lists the objects that are listed in the first column of this section of the print.prt file. For each of these objects, output can be printed at daily, monthly, yearly, and average annual time steps by entering y (=yes) or n (=no) in the following four columns.
The user is advised to print only those outputs that are needed for model evaluation or further analysis. Especially daily printing can result in very large output files that may exceed hard drive storage.
Object | Definition |
basin_wb | Basin water balance |
basin_nb | Basin nutrient balance |
basin_ls | Basin losses |
basin_pw | Basin plant and weather |
basin_aqu | Basin aquifer |
basin_res | Basin reservoir |
basin_cha | Currently not used |
basin_sd_cha | Basin SWAT-DEG channel |
basin_psc | Basin point sources |
region_wb | Currently not used |
region_nb | Currently not used |
region_ls | Currently not used |
region_pw | Currently not used |
region_aqu | Currently not used |
region_res | Currently not used |
region_sd_cha | Currently not used |
region_psc | Currently not used |
water_allo | Water allocation |
lsunit_wb | Landscape unit water balance |
lsunit_nb | Landscape unit nutrient balance |
lsunit_ls | Landscape unit losses |
lsunit_pw | Landscape unit plant and weather |
hru_wb | HRU water balance |
hru_nb | HRU nutrient balance |
hru_ls | HRU losses |
hru_pw | HRU plant and weather |
hru-lte_wb | HRU-lte water balance |
hru-lte_nb | Not used (no nutrient processes simulated for HRU-lte objects) |
hru-lte_ls | HRU-lte losses |
hru-lte_pw | HRU-lte plant and weather |
channel | Currently not used |
channel_sd | SWAT-DEG channel output |
aquifer | Aquifer output |
reservoir | Reservoir output |
recall | Point source output |
hyd | Incoming and outgoing hydrographs |
ru | Routing unit output |
pest | Pesticide output for all objects and basin |
basin_salt |
hru_salt |
ru_salt |
aqu_salt |
channel_salt |
res_salt |
wetland_salt |
basin_cs |
hru_cs |
ru_cs |
aqu_cs |
channel_cs |
res_cs |
wetland_cs |
Number of years at the beginning of the simulation to not print output
Julian day to start printing output (for daily printing only)
Calendar year to start printing output
Julian day to stop printing output (for daily printing only)
Calendar year to stop printing output
Print interval within the period
Number of print intervals for average annual output
Code for printing output in CSV format (y=yes, n=no)
Code for printing output in DB format (y=yes, n=no)
Code for printing output in Net-CDF format (y=yes, n=no)
Code for printing yearly and average annual crop yields (y=yes, n=no)
Code for printing management output (y=yes, n=no)
Code for printing hydrograph connection output (y=yes, n=no)
Code for printing flow duration curve output (y=yes, n=no)
Objects that output can be printed for at different time steps
Code for printing daily output (y=yes, n=no)
Code for printing monthly output (y=yes, n=no)
Code for printing yearly output (y=yes, n=no)
Code for printing average annual output (y=yes, n=no)
Hydrograph connections
This output file is used by the SWAT+ developers for debugging connectivity errors and infinite loops. Its usefulness for SWAT+ users is probably very limited. Accordingly, there is no description of this output file included in the SWAT+ Output Files section.