Download the revision notes for the model below.
This version of QSWATPlus will run with QGIS versions 3.16 and later that use Python 3.7, 3.9 or 3.12.
It replaces QSWATPlus3_64, QSWATPlus3_9 and QSWATPlus3_12. If you have any of these installed you need to use the plugins menu to uncheck it and choose QSWATPlus instead.
Update to allow per-user install into the user's profile directory
Fix bug in routing to connections/reservoirs/wetlands
Fix bug retreiving data from wetlands table due to gwflow conflict
Broken documentation link fixes
Fix bug related to data table importing.
Fix bug introduced in 3.0.6 during run due to typo.
Fix SWAT+ Check to allow null land use management pointer in HRUs.
Fix importing from GIS to allow default land use management properties when user-added non-standard plant codes to swatplus_datasets.sqlite.
Fix printing 0 value instead of null for missing soils values.
Add check for empty weather generator data and issue warning both on WGN page and the run model page.
Add note about future support for scenario land use update decision tables, planned for editor v3.1.
Add manual check for updates button.
Bug fix in some tables with broken link to Hydrology section tables
Bug fix listing HRU elements in Landscape Units section
Added copy function to LUM
Fix landuse matching bug in SWAT+ Check
SWAT+ Check bug fix - the the Land Use Summary tab, urban land use codes were not being looked up correctly resulting in 'NA'. Updated SWAT+ Check to refer to the name in landuse.lum, but this will require standard names in the form of "cropname_lum". More detailed warnings given when this naming lookup is unsuccessful.
Added default curve number values for importing SWAT+ lte projects so users do not get errors when using custom plants outside the standard table provided by SWAT+.
Bug fix in auto-updater. Please download this version manually.
Update tiledrain.str dist parameter default to 5m; users should manually update their project values if using tile drains
Bug fix in hard calibration and other pages where it wasn't allowing negative numbers
Bug fix in adding outflow to point source / inlets
Minor package updates
Add automatic software updates
Change default of codes.bsn i_fpwet from 2 to 1 due to model issue in rev. 61.0.1
Bug fix in landuse management editor where Manning's N dropdown was using CN2 values
Bug fix in SWAT+ Check dark mode theme where text on images was not visible
Added 'More Actions...' buttons to the Run and SWAT+ Check pages for easier navigation
SWAT+ model update to revision 61.0.1
See model release notes above for a full list of changes
Bug fix: check for old version of swatplus_datasets.sqlite in new projects
SWAT+ Check and GWFLOW are not fully compatible at this time. Added a fix so that you can still run SWAT+ Check, but with a warning about some missing values in the hydrology and landscape nitrogen losses sections.
Bug fix: gwflow_wetlands table wasn't always created by default causing an error writing inputs.
SWAT+ model update to revision 61.0
See model release notes above for a full list of changes
Added editor interfaces for groundwater flow module (GWFLOW):
Requires initial model setup using GWFLOW option in the latest QSWAT+
Found in the editor under Connection -> Groundwater Flow
Updated model support for constituents:
Fixed bugs in file format for pest/path_hru/water.ini files
Updated interface to simplify enabling and adding pesticides and pathogens
Added new salinity module and interfaces
Updated the soft calibration interfaces and functionality
Some menu reorganization:
Move plant communities under Land Use Management
Rename Initialization to Constituents
Add the ability to choose which model input text files to write or not write
Under the Run page, expand 'Choose where to write your input files' and click the 'Advanced: Customize files to write' button
Add a link to the model executable folder in the Run page so you can more easily update the model if needed
On the Run page, click the folder icon to the right of the model version number
Underlying code framework updates:
Update python rest API code to link to the project database in the request header
No longer use python flask restful package and just use the main flask to serve the API
Update to Vue.js 3.x
Change from Bootstrap Vue to Vuetify GUI framework
Various bug fixes and GUI enhancements